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use crate::{
context::{Context, Cx},
result::{JsResult, NeonResult},
extract::{private, TryFromJs, TryIntoJs, TypeExpected},
Finalize, JsBox, JsValue,
/// Wrapper to extract `T` from a [`JsBox<T>`](JsBox) or create a [`JsBox`]
/// from a `T`.
/// [`Boxed`] is especially useful for exporting async functions and tasks.
/// ```
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// # use neon::{prelude::*, types::extract::Boxed};
/// struct Greeter {
/// greeting: String,
/// }
/// impl Finalize for Greeter {}
/// impl Greeter {
/// fn new(greeting: String) -> Self {
/// Self { greeting }
/// }
/// fn greet(&self, name: &str) -> String {
/// format!("{}, {name}!", self.greeting)
/// }
/// }
/// #[neon::export]
/// fn create_greeter(greeting: String) -> Boxed<Arc<Greeter>> {
/// Boxed(Arc::new(Greeter::new(greeting)))
/// }
/// #[neon::export(task)]
/// fn greet(Boxed(greeter): Boxed<Arc<Greeter>>, name: String) -> String {
/// greeter.greet(&name)
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Boxed<T>(pub T);
impl<'cx, T> TryFromJs<'cx> for Boxed<T>
T: Clone + 'static,
type Error = TypeExpected<JsBox<T>>;
fn try_from_js(
cx: &mut Cx<'cx>,
v: Handle<'cx, JsValue>,
) -> NeonResult<Result<Self, Self::Error>> {
match v.downcast::<JsBox<T>, _>(cx) {
Ok(v) => Ok(Ok(Self(T::clone(&v)))),
Err(_) => Ok(Err(TypeExpected::new())),
impl<'cx, T> TryIntoJs<'cx> for Boxed<T>
T: Finalize + 'static,
type Value = JsBox<T>;
fn try_into_js(self, cx: &mut Cx<'cx>) -> JsResult<'cx, Self::Value> {
impl<T> private::Sealed for Boxed<T> {}